Work Traders, Volunteers and Scholarship Applicants

Money isn't everything! You can participate in several ways without paying full admission. The Convergence is only possible with the help of volunteers. Your creativity, energy and generosity are the key to a successful event. Below are three options:

You give 8-9 hours of service in exchange for free admission. Does not include meals or lodging.

1) Register as a Worktrader through our Eventbrite Registration
2) Fill out the Worktrader Application.
3) Mail your $75 deposit check (which will be returned to you upon your completion of worktrade duties).

Your generosity makes this event happen!

1) Register as a participant and pay all fees through our Eventbrite Registration.
2) Fill out the Worktrader Application.

Covers full 3-day event admission, plus meals and camping.

1) Register as a Scholarship Applicant through our Eventbrite Registration.
2) Filled out the Scholarship/Worktrader Application.
3) Submit a 300-500 word essay detailing specifically why it would benefit your community and the permaculture community to send you to the event; and why you are having financial need.

Thank you, thank you, thank you all for making this event happen!